A building can be no better than what it is made of – and the same can be said of any green agenda and the words chosen to shape it. The morning session will look at the language of ‘better building’: at where words point to positive impact and change, as well as at how words can be used to apply a coat of greenwash to unsustainable policies and designs. The afternoon will dissect buildings into their component parts and ingredients, for discussion of the materials we were, are, could be, and should be using.
Session: Words
09.10 Adrian Forty ‘When we talk about architecture’
09.35 Barnabas Calder ‘Tradition: in balance with nature?’
10.00 Peter Clegg
10.20 Coffee
11.00 Mina Hasman ‘The Multiplier Effect’
11.25 Michael Pawlyn ‘Words, Metaphors and World Views’
11.50 Q&A with Audience
12.30 Lunch
Session: Materials
13.30 Kiran Pereira ‘Sand: The Elephant in the Room’
13.55 Malvika Metha ‘The Lime Opportunity’
14.20 Alex Sparrow ‘Hempcrete: scaling a proven solution in biobased construction’
14.40 Coffee
15.30 Rowland Keable ‘Earth Building Renaissance’
15.55 Antiopi Koronaki ‘Woodcraft in the digital age’
16.15 Q&A and discussion and closing remarks